Episode 30: Real or Not Real

We announce our Live Show where you can watch the Hunger Games movie along with us on 8/19 @ 8 PM U.S. Eastern Time, at nightlockpodcast.com/live. This show covers the new casting of Mags, a Hunger Games original song, playing a quiz-game segment. In our discuss of Chapter 6 of Catching Fire some questions arise; How do weddings in the Capitol differ from our own? Why did Madge give Katniss the pin instead of somebody else? Some listener emails bring up the question if Katniss' tracker from the 74th games was ever removed, and if Snow wanted Katniss to prove to himself Katniss loved Peeta just so she would grow more attached and loving him would become a weakness?
Reader Comments (2)
I missed the live show. Are you guys going to put it on itunes? :)
Yes, Snowie we will be uploading the Live show/ Hunger Games DVD commentary to iTunes. Should be up today. It's been a busy couple of days, I apologize for the delay.
Thanks for your patience and for being such a dedicated fan!