Episode 36: K-Time

We announce our nomination in the Podcast Awards. To help us win vote daily at PodCastAwards.com, scroll down to the category General select Nightlock Podcast, then fill in your name and email then hit submit. It's really easy so please be sure to support us by voting every day! We report news on the composer of Catching Fire and who recently got hurt on the Catching Fire set. Chapter 10 is analysed which brings up some questions to discuss. Should Katniss have believed Twill and Bonnie about District 13 still existing, did they have enough proof? Did the cement house in the woods exist before Panem, or did Katniss and her father build it? Should Katniss still attempt to run away with her family and friends or it is just a fantasy? Feature the What if...? segment where we discuss, what if Katniss hadn't volunteered for Prim and she had to go to the games, would Peeta have like tried to make an alliance with her if she had made it past the blood bath? Emails read include responses to what might have happened to the world before Panem was form.

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