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The Hunger Games Flaming Mockingjay Slim-Fit T-Shirt 3XL

The Hunger Games Flaming Mockingjay Slim-Fit T-Shirt 3XL

May the odds be ever in your favor.


Episode 18: Boy with the Bread

We finish discussioning the first book by analyzing the last chapter. A fram-by-frame analyze of the TV spot with footage from district 12. Other breaking news includes a Katniss barbie doll and video game set to release as well as what record the Hunger Games has already broken. On our musixc segment we play a clip of One ENgine adn discuss where it may fit into the film. 

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Episode 17: Last Look

We discuss some big news stories including the cast touring US cities, Safe & Sound music video, a new HG video game, some new TV spots as well as other news. During our chapter discussion we bring up the topic of if it was a sin to kill Marvel, Cato or both. Do they have religions that would make them think it was a sin? We also wonder if Katniss would have been able to kill Peeta when it came down to the two of them. If she had to kill Peeta would her life be better dead and regretting killing Peeta or dying with him. We point out the theme that if you look at life through a different perspective, it can be better. Peeta is a role model for not changing who he is because of society. We also argue what color nightlock berries are. A song is featured that really represents the Hunger Games and the chapters we discuss. Lastly we review the photos in the Official Hunger Games Companion. It is a fun packed episode!

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Episode 16: Outfoxed

This is our Valentine's Day episode where we have a Hunger Games Dating Game, a romantic fanfic and featured song as well as recommending a romantic book. Some news includes new advertisements featuring three characters and a new website from Lionsgate. While analyzing Chapters 23 and 24, it comes up why families have kids when they know they may have to face the reaping? Is it a form of population control from the Capitol? Was Katniss' first act of rebellion saying "watch this Effie," followed by licking the plate clean? We discuss if it is a sin to kill in the games. We imagine how Lionsgate will create the Tracker Jacker scene. Tune in for this special Valentine's Day episode.  

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Night Rebels #02 Try, You Will

This is the second joint podcast with Rebellion Radio. We dissect the second trailer for the Hunger Games frame-by-frame and share our thoughts on how well they have protrayed the book through it. 

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Episode 14: Final Defense 

The most news stories we have ever covered including a lot of new pictures released. Within the news we talk about the character's look and our opinion on them. We talk about the new Hunger Games official tumblr site,, which is a Capitol fashion site. We debate who is a bigger threat in the games, Cato, Thresh or Katniss. As well as whether Clove has it in her to kill Katniss. We review the Hunger Games board game and the Movie Magic Magazine Hunger Games edition. We end the ending the show with each host's book recommendations. 

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Episode 13: Who Can't Lie

We have guest hosts Mariah and Diana back on to fire-up the new year. Some topics included how America is obsessed with reality TV and the message Collins is trying to send through the series. News stories included Lionsgate's merchandise, new posters and pictures released, and if Collins is an author of the movie tie in books. In our chapter segment we discuss Peeta and Katniss' relationship. How Katniss deals with her emotions and how she represses her felling for Peeta, love and trust is hard for her. In our music segment we play Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift ft. The Civil Wars which is going to be on the Hunger Games Soundtrack. We end the show with a little twist.

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Episode 12: Body in Flowers

The Holiday special has two new guests, we feature 3 new segments that were winners of thecontest. Our focus is on chapter 18 which features Rue’s death. Our new segments are all holiday related in which we question how Panem would celebrate the Holidays, such as caroling, if it is a force celebration, even if President Snow was formally Santa. We end the show with some Hunger Games Holiday gift recommendations from each host and montage of the best moments from the year!

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Episode 11: To Be Hungry 

We have a new guest, Diana. Some news includes HG related books. We read some Mocking' Mail and focus on the music and a change in the composers. While analyzing two chapters we debate over if Katniss should develop a bond with Rue or just survive. We also feature Rue's Lullaby to accompany Rue's Death in our chapter analyze. Our Dark Duel segment is a heated discussion, fighting over if Gale, Cato or Foxface would win.

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Night Rebels #1 Trailer

First episode of the joint podcast between Rebellion Radio and Nightlock. The entire episode is dedicated to analyzing the trailer with hosts from both podcasts. Check out Rebellion Radio at for information on all their hilarious episodes.

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Episode 9: Now or Never

We bring up Jackie and Dayo's live video as well as featuring Jackie's new song Peter Pan. We analyze the character posters and explain our thoughts of how well they compare to the characters we have imagined. We got to interview Lois Gresh who is the author of the Hunger Games Companion now available in stores. A contest to win a signed copy of Lois's book is up, just email your segment ideas to FanFic Followers is also brought back and Matt reads a clip of his story. The chapters focused on are 14 and 15, with some connections to Harry Potter and Mortal Instruments. We go in depth about Tracker Jackers. Speculation would Katniss have run away with Gale? Why didn't Collins' have Rue and Prim have more differences?

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Episode 8: Wall of Fire

We discuss news including, the collector's edition, and 3 other stories. Our main chapter discussion relates on the impact of war and reality TV in our world as well as Panem. The question of whether Katniss would have the courage to kill Rue if it came down to it. Our fanfiction segment recommends a Clove/Cato love story.

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Episode 7: Stay Alive

Episode 7 is full of surprises as we have a new guest host on board with us! We discussed mainly on the moral and ethically issues associated with being a tribute in the Hunger Games. News includes, Banned Book Week, and much more. Our Dark Duels was an intense battle between 3 characters and their quest for victory in the arena! Matt's Melodious Segment expressed fierce motivation and emphasis on the battles around the Cornucopia during the first day of the Games. Join in on the hilarious discussion!

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Episode 6: Dead Slug

We discuss chapters 8 & 9 along with 2 big news stories, we feature the I Wanna Go HG parody, and read some messages from listeners!

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Episode 5: The Cast

We discuss the casting for the Hunger Games film; some perfect, others good and some who don't fit. We also add in who our dream cast would have been.

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Episode 4: Last Hope

Chapters 6 and 7 are covered. News includes Catching Fire release date, Jennifer singing, and Elizabeth Banks weeping. A new segment debuts recommending fan-fics. Matt's music segment features Let the Games Begin by Aura.

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